sexy shmexy bog witch

Happy Monday, y’all. I’ve been up since Shawshank left. Neither cat came into bed for snuggles. We have overcast skies over Tiny town to start this new week. No rain for the time being, but it definitely looks like it’s on the menu for the day. The view out the window is grey and gusty. If Shawshank were to walk in right now, he’d give me hell for not turning lights on and sitting in the dark.

Sir, I am a sexy shmexy bog witch. I live for the dark.

Looking at the extended forecast, the clouds won’t move out until later in the week. If they do, it’ll be wonderful. Maybe we can see some Spring weather on a regular basis before Summer officially begins. To be completely honest, I really just want the wind to stop. Unless it’s raining, I don’t care if I’m spinning under clear or overcast skies. Flowarts and wind don’t mix well.

We finished off the weekend with a trip to Shady Acres yesterday afternoon. Shawshank moved vehicle batteries around while his father directed. We had a good visit and dessert, then came home to feed the cats. “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” is streaming on one of our services, so we started watching that. Shawshank‘s never seen it, and I never finished it.

Shawshank officially starts his big boy position today. His work schedule for the next couple of weeks has him mixing shit up with both opening and closing duties. Since the wind will keep me inside today, I’ll have to enjoy indoor activities. I’ll assume a human form and figure out what the hell else I want to do. I have some pants I need to work on, so I’ll probably do that. After tonight, I’ll have three nights of unchecked chaos on social media this week.

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