Yo. It’s Thursday, and it’s Thanksgiving. I don’t give a shit about Thanksgiving. I’m not sure why, but it’s just one of those holidays that I really just could do without. Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season, which I’m notoriously morose about. Perhaps it’s a reminder of my shitty relationship with half my family, or maybe it’s just my general need for solitude (because of my shitty relationship with my family).
I slept. It was mediocre at best, and I woke up a couple of times, but I wasn’t up all night. It is what it is. When I looked at the clock, it was after 6am. At least I can say I was able to sleep.
Backdoor Cat came back yesterday morning. I saw him in a neighbor’s yard when I was out enjoying some smoke before doing the morning routine. When I looked outside about half an hour later, he was on the steps, meowing. I gave him a bowl of water, and he greedily finished the entire thing again. I’m pretty sure he has a family who lets him inside, he tried to come in when I went outside with the bowl.

I was partially correct in yesterday’s morning predictions: it wasn’t absolutely freezing. I was able to go outside and spin for a little while. For once, I didn’t record anything. I looked through some ideas for Christmas presents, but there’s not a lot I need, only things I want. We have some stuff to mail down to Mom, and I’ll order my nephews’ and Brian’s gifts a little closer to the holiday. I have no idea what to buy Shawshank, as usual.
Today’s forecast looks like I can expect some more nice(r) weather. The sun is shining and the skies are clear. Backdoor Cat has already made an appearance on the stoop, stopping by to beg for another snack but settling for some pets. I’m going to put some clothes on and go outside for a bit today, do adult things and pay some bills.