self-serving hearsay

self-serving hearsay

Good morning, loves. Happy Tuesday. I’m alive, and we’ve all survived my case of the 12-hour plague. I woke up yesterday morning at around 4:30am, and eventually moved out to the couch because I was too warm in the bed*, but didn’t sleep much out there, either. By the time Shawshank woke up at 7-ish, I knew I wasn’t going to have a good day, and skipped the coffee entirely. I’m pretty sure I went back into the bedroom shortly thereafter, and dealt with the almost-hourly cycle of nausea/sweat/chills. Nausea for something like a 10-minute buildup, coming with dry heaves that make me sweat like crazy. Then, since at that point I’m fucking moist, I’m freezing to the point of shivering under the quilt.

Neither cat snuggled with me all day. I took three showers in attempts to be one temperature and wash the sweat off me. During one particularly bad chill, I called Shawshank in to snuggle me in bed. He couldn’t resist making jokes about it being like a Twilight movie. “Just give me a Team Jacob snuggle, I’m cold.”

I slept a lot during the day, which I probably needed. I moved out to the couch when the worst of it had passed, and stayed out there at bedtime to sleep off the rest of it. Unfortunately, I learned there’s a difference between dealing with this shit when I’m already tired, versus previously when my sleeping habits weren’t completely fucked. Every other time I’ve been through this, I don’t think I slept as much during the day as I did with this last bout, I mostly dozed lightly in previous dealings. Unlike every other night where I struggle to stay awake after approximately 9:25pm, last night I didn’t fall asleep until about 2:30am.

Over the weekend, we figured out that if I added a profile on the Switch for Shawshank, he could play a lot more of the single-player games I’ve put on it. So many of the “big” games I have only allow for one “playthrough” per game, which meant he couldn’t start Breath of The Wild or Witcher 3 from the beginning without deleting mine. We figured out if I made a separate profile for him, he could start his own game file. He played for several hours over the weekend. I’m honestly surprised he didn’t take the chance and play it while I was in bed all day yesterday.

Today, I might do human things. I’m feeling better, just worn out, and I’m working on drinking as much water as I can. This is Mardi Gras week, and I have an imperial shitload of NOLA beads in a box that are just begging to be made into content. It’s also probably the last week of the Murdaugh trial (the defense is a bunch of bumbling idiots so far), and I’m going to be watching it all day.

I’d like to be warmish, without feeling like I’m going to sweat to death again.

*the man is a fucking furnace in bed


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