Schrödinger’s Neighbor

About a week ago, mom commented on the disappearance of the neighbor on one side of her property. He’s always puttering outside. Always. He’s either doing something to the house or the yard, usually yard work or general maintenance. Unless it’s raining, he’s out there, looking for an opening to socialize with someone else in the neighborhood. When we’d had nice weather for two days straight, with no sign of him, Mom wondered if he’d gone away for the weekend, or if he’d died.

On Sunday afternoon, we remarked on his continued absence, but decided if he was away for the weekend, surely we’d see him by Sunday evening. Sure enough, by Sunday evening there was a car in the driveway. Mom finally caught up with him on Tuesday. They made jokes about how she’d wondered how long she needs to wait before checking to see if he was dead. He told her about how that was almost an issue.

All the yardwork caught up with him, in a shitty way. He’s been battling moles in his yard. Over the previous week, he put down a lot of mole poison in the yard, dropping it into their tunnels with a funnel. He wasn’t using any sort of PPE, and poisoned himself. His brother brought him to the ER. There’s no real antidote, he had to just ride that shit out.

We haven’t seen the neighbor since Wednesday sometime. His back door was open all day Thursday, but it’s been nice, and there’s always a chance he’s like me and hates the AC. I saw a light on at some point while I was spinning on Thursday night, and the TV was on yesterday, but we haven’t seen him at all.

We haven’t smelled him either, so there’s that.


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