Save One

Save One

Oh look, another work week has started. Yay.

Shawshank and I got to talk for a bit yesterday. The facility’s medical group is being very proactive about checking up on the detainees and inmates lately. They’ve stopped allowing visitation until at least the end of the month. No one on the inside would have contact to visitors in the first place, unless the visitor is their lawyer. However, the foot traffic through that visitation area is quite heavy. All it would take is just one of the CO’s getting exposed and bringing it into the wards to get everyone sick.

He feels fine, but admits he’s worried. The virus is one of the first things he asks about when he calls. He doesn’t get a lot of information inside, only what he can catch on the crawl on the TV. He’s worried about how it will affect his case, and our plans. While he’s happy I’m still working, he’s very worried about me working in healthcare, and whom I’ll come in contact with. One of the other detainees has been sick since Friday, coming out of his room only to use the phone. “It’ll tear through here like a wildfire.”

I warned BossRPh that I’ll be a little late to work this morning. One of my projects for the week is to put my pony collection up for sale. Yesterday, I listed a few of my international releases on eBay, and most of them have already sold. That probably goes to show how vastly underpriced I listed them. Shawshank asked if I was keeping any for myself. As of right now, I’m not, but I haven’t gotten to the point of hesitating to hit that “list item” button yet. He told me to put aside one or two special ones and keep them. I told him I couldn’t do that, I would feel terrible if I saved part of my collection, but sold off all of his.

“You saved me from myself,” he replied. “You’re saving yourself, and you’re saving the kitties. You deserve to save a pony.” I took down one listing, mostly because I’m not certain if I want to keep it, or sell it at a higher price than I initially had listed it.

Aside from the auctions, I don’t have anything major planned for the week. I filled two more boxes of books and two trash bags of clothing, and one box of shoes. Most of the shoes I packed were pairs I bought and wore only once or twice. Once I check out the weather for the week, I’ll schedule the clothing pickup.

With the borders shutting down and the economy in the shitter, who knows when I’ll be able to move. I just want to be prepared.


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