rotary, eyelet, and floral

rotary, eyelet, and floral

Mornin’ y’all. Happy Tuesday. I see some hazy sunlight out there, and there’s coffee and some critters who love me in the house. I’ve had a rough morning. While I crashed pretty quickly when we went to bed last night, I woke up before 5am after having a nightmare. I haven’t had one in a while, however, I’ve been anxious for a few days and it was bound to get to that point eventually. When I tried to reset my playlist and maybe sleep again, the sleep mask’s earbuds were dead. I surfed silently and barely dozed until the alarm.

We had a nice day out. We went to BiggerTown. The first stop was a pharmacy so I could buy more makeup. We didn’t take too long. The next stop was to the secondhand shop. We looked around, for a while. I ended up with a matched sheet set and a white eyelet duvet cover. A few storefronts down from the secondhand shop is a quilting shop. We stopped in there because I wanted to buy some scissors or a rotary cutter, but they also have a big shelf of vintage patterns. I ended up with a cutter and a pattern.

Shopping complete, we went for a nice sit-down lunch at one of the restaurants in BiggerTown, then headed home.

Shawshank loaded up Tears of The Kingdom, while I prepped the new sheets. I was separating the two halves of the duvet when his dad called and asked him for some help at Shady Acres. He took off to their house, leaving me at home to spread my shit all over the living room floor. I tried out the new rotary blade. It cut two layers of cotton like a hot knife in butter, greatly reducing the frustration of cutting 90″ of fabric, snipping 1/2″ at a time. I also tried four layers, and even that was easy enough, aside from the rolled hems that were thicker. Then I cleaned up.

Today, we’re back to work. The vacuum will start up in half an hour. I’m going to take a shower while it does its thing, then finish setting up my Etsy shop.


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