puffs and cuffs and smut and sluts

puffs and cuffs and smut and sluts

Hello, and happy Hump Day. The sun is shining, Chaucer is pacing, and all is normal in our little slice of the world. I’ve been up for about an hour or so now. Once more, I was a victim of a snuggle pile and overheated a bit. I turned off my music and edited TikTok videos from the bed.

We had a decent Tuesday. Shawshank, as expected, worked outside. He came home a bit early. I started my morning with a shower and finished the shirt I started on Monday. It looks adorable. I need to finish the sleeves, because I’d much rather they be puffed/ruffled to match the rest of the shirt’s edging. However, I don’t want to use any more of my stock of elastic. Even my narrowest elastic is wider than I want to put in the sleeves’ cuffs. Additionally, I want to use that elastic for, you know, the pants.

All the pants.

I need to find a better strappy top pattern. While the peasant/milkmaid/cottagecore is hella cute, I really prefer sleeveless. My biggest issue is shaping the top. The Spiderman top looks cute here, but only when I can stand with amazing posture and don’t wriggle the titties too much.

Surprisingly, I did stuff that didn’t involve thrifted shit or streaming. I tidied my “area”, throwing out all the fabric scraps I had scattered everywhere while I was in the sew-zone. After dinner, I went outside for some spin time. It’s been a while since I spun outside, and I could move around a lot more. Shawshank found my fire poi – still unburnt more than three years after he gave them to me for Christmas – so I could test their weight and how they spin before we buy some fuel. Compared to my heavy set, they may as well be featherweight. They’re probably the lightest poi I own, but I know they’ll be slightly heavier when they’re soaked in fuel. I need to adjust their length a little, but that’s very easily fixed. I would have stayed out longer, but unfortunately, the mosquitoes found me. We’re going to pick up some citronella candles or bug spray the next time we leave town.

I even managed to take some slutty pictures for the smut-stuff before Shawshank came home. It’s much easier to hang out half-naked when the temps are warmer. I edited and uploaded pics to the vault while Shawshank played Tears of The Kingdom, and scheduled a couple of posts for the next couple of days. I wrote up the captions for them this morning, because that’s the most difficult part for me to come up with.

I think today will be the same. I’m going to put some clothes on and do shit.


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