

Morning, y’all. It’s Saturday, and it’s sunny. Shawshank‘s weather app claims we should see rain in 16 minutes. I don’t believe it. As usual, I woke up, before sunrise. Pippin and Chaucer snuggled together on the bed. As soon as I acknowledged their closeness, Chaucer moved to the other side of the bed. I quietly played with TikTok on my phone until the alarm went off.

Friday was nothing out of the ordinary. I enjoyed a lengthy bubble bath while the vacuum made its morning run. Shawshank worked all day. I added two more ties to the skirt after lunch, one on each side. Later, I was puttering about with the intention of getting smutty when his mother showed up with a cup of apple sauce she’d made. I did dumbass shit on the internet

and played some Skyrim until he came home. I logged off after dinner, after asking Shawshank to please just let me reach the cave I had been trying to reach all afternoon, but kept getting distracted. He played Tears of The Kingdom for a while while I edited videos.

Shawshank‘s working this weekend, and he’ll be in the shop until mid-afternoon. I’ll figure out some way to amuse myself until he comes home.


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