(probably) not haunted

(probably) not haunted

Good morning, and happy Monday. I know it’s Monday because Mal‘s internal clock tells him I should be putting on makeup right about now. Consequently, he’s standing by my makeup area, crying for the cuddles he’ll get when I eventually put on my face.

Today is another human day. I don’t need to actually go anywhere, but I would like to at least pretend I’m not a black hole of depression and demotivation. Really, the only things I need to do are the laundry and the dishes. If I really want to – and if I can be bothered to put on real clothing – I’ll go out and buy some soda and lunch.

Shawshank has Mondays off, and he’ll spend this afternoon watching Sherlock with his mom. If he’s not chatting with me, it’s more likely I’ll probably spend the day doing my chores, like I should, instead of being distracted. Instead, I’ll take better photos of the furniture I have to sell. I need to write up a good sales pitch for it all.

For sale: 1 dresser, (probably) not haunted


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