pretend human, stray cat

pretend human, stray cat

Good morning, friends. Happy Humpday. Aside from dreaming about something I can’t recall, I had another typical sleep. We went to bed, and I woke up several times before the alarm went off. Today doesn’t feel like Wednesday to me. I feel like the week is just beginning. Much like having Brian home during the week, I think yesterday’s road trip messed with my mental calendar. I’m not used to leaving the house twice in one week.

We mailed out Mom‘s presents yesterday morning. Shawshank timed our trip perfectly, and we avoided the gossipy postlady’s shift. His Amazon order came in, and we have more presents under our tree. Amazingly, both cats have left these packages alone. We had to hide the gifts for his coworkers because Chaucer kept molesting the bows.

Our mini roadtrip was nice. Shawshank drove, I just watched the world pass by. Half the drive was slightly foggy, but it was mostly just a dreary day. The landscape looks different every time I’m out there. We made our delivery in a very tiny little French town (with no cell service whatsoever), making two wrong stops before finding the right place. The lady who accepted the chair from us seemed annoyed about it. “John bought a floor model?” she asked. We left everything and got out of there, because it was obvious that John was going to be in trouble.

What’s the plan for today?

Nothing. Pippin is playing with a toy, Chaucer is hoping for a bowl of cereal. Zeppelin is on the back steps. I’ll get dressed and play pretend human.


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