Plenty of clouds but no showers and that’s lovely🌹

Plenty of clouds but no showers and that’s lovely🌹

Hey, peeps. It’s Monday. New week, new you. Same old me. Sorry. No personal growth here. No, none of that. Just whinging, poi, and terrariums.

And since my ear has been giving me trouble when wearing earbuds, I haven’t had the poi out in days.

It’s terrible. Let me whinge

This morning, I opened the Nextdoor app and the first few posts are someone demanding to know why there’s a large fire and emergency services presence at a specific residential address (NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS, BOB), one guy is ranting about feral cats that leave footprints on his car, and someone else touting the typical misinformed q-anon glories of the first amendment (FRANK YOU’RE A FUCKING IGNORANT TOOLBAG AND BARBARA YOU NEED TO STFU AND STEP AWAY FROM THE APP).

Whinging. So much whinging.

We stayed home yesterday, for the most part. No trip to the compound. Brian’s parents just got back from a camping trip yesterday and shouldn’t have to entertain. Instead, Brian mowed ⅔ of the lawn.

I performed some minor terrarium work. Vault 5 was wiped down. Teensycola and Fern Gully were wiped out, and I trimmed some of the overgrown ferns in both jars. I mopped out about half of Terra 3 (pic. 4). Terra 3 has a lot of roots that aren’t in the ground because IVY’S GONNA IVY. These roots have decided a goodly portion of the glass is just fucking perfect for living on. I try not to disturb them.

On the topic of disturbing, Fern Gully’s springtail population (pic. 2) is exploding. Once I devise some way of scooping them out of there, I plan to transfer some into Terra 3. I don’t think there’s a lot (or enough) in that ecosystem.

While there wasn’t a trip to the compound, we left the house for a little while. Mom has wanted to change the cable/Internet bundle for a while now. Unfortunately, the account is in Brian’s name, and he needed to be there to make the changes. The two of them spent an hour in the AT&T store working out the details on a new plan. A tech should be here this afternoon to set up the TVs.

Later on, I played more Skyrim. Not only am I still REALLY enjoying the lizard wizard, I’m operating on the mindset of “chaotic apathy, reluctantly Dragonborn”. Indica the Lizard Wizard is a member of the thieves’ guild, and the mages’ college, but hasn’t done much else in her 13 levels.

Today, there’s laundry going. Mom is hanging a load on the line. A second load is in the washer. We’re going out to Walmart for things we missed on Saturday, and I’m going to the smoke shop.

Ohh, maybe they’ll have peanut butter cups again.


  1. I peeked back at some of your terrarium stuff. They’re really cool. We tried to do a similar thing with a couple of big mason jars in DH’s home office…but they got overgrown FAST! I have a bioactive 29g aquarium conversion with 3 dart frogs. Planning on another, soon.

  2. These are a couple of months old, I started them up at the beginning of February. Aside from the ivy and one G. aurantiaca leaf, I filled them with native stuff from the backyard, so it’s been interesting watching them develop over the last couple of months.

  3. Peanut butter edibles? I just realized I have never seen these at any dispo-probably for the best, I’d eat them all at once.

    • crystal

      They’re like… they have the shape of those individual chocolate covered cherries they sell at gas stations, but like a Reese’s cup flavor.

      And they hit like a damned freight train.

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