Please let the day go smoothly.

Please let the day go smoothly.

Today is the StressedRPh‘s first day back to work in nearly a month. I’m not looking forward to my shift. I spent most of last night’s shift reading the daily Plague Papers. Every day at around 2 pm, corporate sends out an email to each store with the latest developments. There’s almost daily conference calls about how we’re handling the virus, and we’ll usually get several emails about those everyday as well.

By “handling the virus”, I mean “not handling at all”. Corporate, like any major company, is doing their best to look good to the public “in these trying times”. However, like any major company, they’re doing it in the cheapest ways possible. We had a “cleaning crew” in last week: a pair of folks who spent about 45 minutes in the store “cleaning”. They’re not doing much to protect anyone, patients and employees alike. We’re supposed to get Plexiglass barriers soon. However, we’re not exactly sure how that’s even going to work. If they install the sneeze-guard between the customer and the cashier, they’re going to block the cashier from actually scanning anything.

I pulled more stuff out of the basement and onto the curb for today’s trash pickup. This time around, it was a clothes drying rack and a ferret cage. Over the weekend, I’ll dig out the three boxes I found down there. I peeked into them quickly, and I know they’re full of more “sentimental stuff“. From my quick look, it appears there’s more stuff from either my family, or things that might be more sentimental to me and Shawshank as a couple. For obvious reasons, I’m not particularly looking forward to that part of The Great Sort. It was easy to throw out the things that didn’t have meaning to me.

But, that’s the weekend. I’m trying to decide what I want for dinner tonight, with my choices being a sweet potato breakfast bowl or peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Because it’s Wednesday, Shawshank will call and we’ll get to talk for a few minutes. The last few nights have been rough, and I need something good to look forward to.

Are you looking forward to anything? It feels like it’s getting more difficult to find something to look forward to anymore. Let me live vicariously through you.


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