Plant-based treats and deviled eggs

Plant-based treats and deviled eggs

Greetings, people of the world. It’s Friday, and it’s gray and gross outside. The grossness is simply overcast skies and fog at the moment. We can expect some passing showers, however the high temps and humidity aren’t going anywhere.

Thus, today is project day. Mom is making deviled eggs for a cookout this evening. I’m shelling the eggs and sewing a set of fabric practice poi. Mom started a small load of laundry in hopes that it won’t rain at all, which means we’ll probably have soaking thunderstorms instead of a random shower.

Project day is just fine with me. I’m tired. Chaucer was wandering the house crying last night, so I locked him in my room. I remembered to raise the blinds a little bit so he could sit in the window. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop him from trying try climb through them, he just had to stand on his back legs and stretch. He kept waking me up all night, until I finally let him out at about 4am. He’s in my lap right now, trying to get back into my good graces.

The weekend is going to be pretty busy, actually. As mentioned, there’s a cookout tonight. We’re going to some family friend’s house, and they have more family friends visiting from out of state. In addition to tonight’s cookout, Brian’s parents are having one at their house on Sunday. Between the two BBQs, I’m trying to convince Mom to go to the crawfish festival tomorrow.

As long as I can have some time to be alone later, I’ll survive. I’ll just need to decompress after two social gatherings with very loud, very…. opinionated people. I plan on bringing a plant-based treat for myself, just in case.

Enjoy your Friday, people.


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