
Good morning, folks. Happy Thursday. I’ve been up since 6am. I’m not sure why. All I do know is Chaucer is being an asshole to Knickknack and the squirrels are stealing Mom‘s clothespins.

I managed to play outside for a little while yesterday afternoon. Mom opted to go to the doctor’s to have her hip checked out, so I drove. If I ever have a craving, I can find my way to McDonald’s now. Due to Covid precautions, I couldn’t go into the office with Mom. Fortunately, it was a nice enough day to sit in the truck and read.

As beautiful as the afternoon was, I had to cut things short because my phone was overheating. I might have to switch to the front yard for afternoon spinning. I’m sure the neighborhood will enjoy the show. I wonder if someone will record me from their front room, like I did the other day when the dude across the street was wrestling with an inflatable canoe on his front lawn.

Spinning outside at night wasn’t as good as it usually is. The air was wicked muggy, so everything was a bit damp. I couldn’t find my flow at all. Then when I went inside and looked at what actually managed to record, everything looks like shit. The humidity was bad enough that everything is bathed in an orangey haze from the street lights. Everything combined just made for a disappointing evening in general.

What’s the plan for today? Who knows. It’s Thursday, and there’s not much happening until the weekend. The weather should be nice. I could spin. Before I do anything fun, I need to tidy up my room a little, and sweep up the cats’ stray kibble and litter. I believe I’m expecting an Amazon delivery today, which will be the last things to pack up to send to my nephews tomorrow.

The weekend is coming. Yay.

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