Pew Pew, pt. 2

Pew Pew, pt. 2

I’m not going to complain about it, but my dreams this week have been the most fun I’ve had in a while. For the most part, they’ve been related to painting. Painting techniques, things I struggle with, almost as though my subconscious is practicing. Twenty years ago, I’d have the same sort of dreams, writing code while I slept for the MUD I ran at the time. I swear, I the entire bounty hunting system I’d implemented was coded in my sleep. The my painting dreams took a break on Wednesday night, when I had a series of vivid dreams about stealing a basset hound owned by a local morning news anchor, but came back last night.

It’s been very slow at work this week. The last few days have been with StressedRPh. She doesn’t like risking being without a full crew, and thus I wasn’t able to leave early. Last night, we spent most of the second half of my shift doing computer training. However, today’s shift is with FourteenRPh, and he’s much cooler about me leaving.

I call it “helping payroll”.

We have the weekend free. No work, no birthday parties, nothing but 48 hours of doing jack shit. He says I can do a workout tomorrow morning, before the weekly shopping happens. While I’m upstairs, he plans to build a new shelving unit and rearrange some of the spare room’s hoard “pantry”.

Last night, we briefly talked about going back to the Warhammer shop over the weekend. I want more paints, but also know I have zero impulse control and we’d walk out with more than we wanted to, and probably close to none of it being paint. My birthday is in less than a month, anyway; I can make myself a wishlist and fill it with shit I shouldn’t spend money on.


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