Good morning, world, and happy fucking Friday. We’re both up, watching the morning news stuff. Both kitties are doing their kitty-cat things. Today should be similar to yesterday – hazy, hot, and humid. The dreaded TRIPLE-H DAY, as we would have said in Rhode Island.
I made an attempt to play some Just Dance, but it was too warm. It might’ve been better if I was in my undies or something, but I was in a tank and some genie pants. Unfortunately, I only survived about six songs. The heat and humidity was just too much to handle. That’s not to say I won’t try again this afternoon. I will. I have more high scores to break.
I streamed for a while on TikTok. It was exactly as expected. The DMs are poppin’.

I’ve hit a weird place in “Monster Hunter: Rise” where I’m in a sort of limbo. I can access the higher level content now, but I’m not equipped to succeed. I can forge the gear, but I don’t have the materials. To get those materials, I need to do shit in the high level content, where I suck. As a result, my poor hunter, Schae, has been running around in a mishmash of equipment. Things were progressing discouragingly slow last night.
Shawshank has a full day today. He’ll come home just in time to rest for an hour and wind down from the week, and then we’ll go out for dinner. The weekend is empty.