It’s another early shift for me, and I’m drinking a coffee and trying to get my makeup on. I had planned to do a workout, but didn’t notice my schedule had changed until Monday afternoon. It seems like it’s always the mornings that I could really use a yoga session are the mornings I need to go in early.
Last night’s dreams made for a restless sleep. I kept having dreams about the two of us being at a hotel that was attached to a mall, and he kept getting chased. At one point in a dream, he was brought back to our room by a security guard, beaten, and told we couldn’t leave without an escort. In another dream, I was taking pregnancy tests, and test after test were giving me inconsistent answers. One test said “2% chance”, another came up negative, another said positive, one said “MAYBE”. It was like the Magic 8 Ball of pregnancy tests.
Hopefully my day is better than my night.
Enjoy your Wednesday, my friends. 🤗