Congratulations, my lovely friends, we’ve made it to Friday. Mr. Flopsy made an appearance in the yard this morning.
We didn’t have to go to court yesterday. He called on Wednesday and they told him things had been rescheduled, there was no new date, and they’d be in touch. On one hand, it sucks that he’s in legal limbo once again. On the other hand, it makes me just the slightest bit hopeful about the final outcome.
Tomorrow is his birthday. I know he was terrified he wasn’t going to be “out”, that we’d go to court yesterday and they’d take him and he’d be locked up for his birthday. He wasn’t making any birthday plans or thinking about gifts, refusing to even give me any gift or even dinner ideas. Wednesday, when he got the news things were rescheduled, he asked me to bake “the cake” – a family recipe that he loves.
There’s no big plans for the weekend. He’s working tomorrow morning, I’ll bake his cake, and his mom will call him in the afternoon. I’m sure the rest of the weekend will involve nothing more strenuous than a walk around the block on Saturday night, and maybe some poi spinning. Mostly, it’ll be a weekend to enjoy one more birthday being “out”.
Happy Friday, everyone. Have a good one.