Ooooh it’s shocking

Ooooh it’s shocking

Welcome to Wednesday. I trust that everyone has awoken? awakened? awaked? woked up? Whatever it may be, make it a good one.

I already have a cat in my lap. Both boys are fussing about food. They want to eat Knickknack’s kibbles. They ignore their dishes. If I add anything yummy to their stuff, it’s instantly THE GREATEST FOOD EVER for the three minutes they take to eat it. If I make it the same way at the next meal time, suddenly it’s poison and they won’t go near it.

We haven’t really done anything this week. I declared that I was heading out to Walmart after lunch because I was eating the last of the deli meat. Mom and I grabbed a few things for the new nephew and lunch stuff, and the most disappointing avocado ever. After Walmart, I spent an hour prepping some materials for another book wreath. I’ll probably start work on that sometime today.

Aside from the wreath, I don’t plan to do too much. I could do a workout – I probably should – in addition to some spin time after lunch and dinner. Mom and Brian have an appointment with their accountant friend before dinner, just the regular tax stuff. I’ll have the house to myself for a little while. I plan to smoke a joint in the sunshine, and spin to some mellow tunes.


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