one thing

one thing

Happy Friday, my peeps. Welcome to my abode. Today is Friday, and the sun has finally returned. O joyous day! And just in time for the long weekend.

My anxiety has had me emotionally bouncing off the wall over the last couple of days. I texted Shawshank and asked if I was really such a terrible wife. I referred to Pippin as my replacement. The shit weather prevented me from utilizing two of my three major outlets to burn off the negative mental energies. Please don’t think I didn’t enjoy those four days of nonstop Hades and Skyrim, because I did.

But I would like a fucking choice, that’s all.

I started working on a map for my drive up North. I’ve tried a few times now. Google suggested multiple routes. One option is to drive northward through Alabama, Tennessee, etc., then cut across the northern US, or head northwest in a more diagonal route through the plains. I wanted to go northwesterly, which would be a bit shorter and I could see some interesting landscapes. Unfortunately, I was having a lot of trouble finding hotels that would allow Chaucer along the second half of the route.

I don’t even know when I’d be leaving, I just wanted a route. Sometimes, I feel like I just need to do one thing.

Mom put a second load of laundry in the wash. At this rate, we won’t need to do any washing over the weekend. Brian’s parents are camping, and I’m spared dinner at the Compound this weekend. I can start the weekend with sunshine, spin time, a Chinese buffet, and an edible.

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