One More Trip Around the Sun

One More Trip Around the Sun

Good morning, internet. It’s Friday. Cat in the lap, coffee in the cup. It’s also my damned birthday. My phone sang to me. No one has puked. Maybe the universe is sending some birthday goodness my way.

I’m giving serious considering to spending the entire damned day high as balls. If I don’t do that, I’m going to buy myself a gorgeous contact staff for a birthday present. If I’m high as balls, I’m too high to input my card number. I think I’m pretty much done with Shawshank‘s inventory system at work. I’ll order my regular dinner and a slice of carrot cake for my birthday. I haven’t decided how else I’ll spend the day. Crafting? Gaming?

I’m all talk, about the self-gift anyway. I’ve had a $7 pack of makeup sponges sitting in my Amazon cart for two days now. If I haven’t pulled the trigger on them yet, I certainly won’t drop $120 on a new hobby right off the bat.


The smoke detector inspection went fine, as expected. The fireman who came in was super cool. He stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted a fire hose nozzle in the kitchen and asked who was the fireman in the family. He pushed the buttons on all four detectors, verified they all beeped, and signed my paperwork. I believe that’s the last of the local paperwork we needed to have in order. Shawshank‘s paperwork is on its way to the US consulate in Calgary. I’m vaguely hopeful that things will be all set in the first trip. However, I’m not optimistic about it. Dealing with the consulate is always a shitshow.


  1. John H

    Happy Birthday Crystal hope you’re having a good day 🎁🎂🎈🎈🎈😎👍

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