once more with feeling

Good morning, my internet friends. Happy…. Tuesday? We’re up. I rode the struggle bus to bed last night and absolutely could not fall asleep. We tried to go to bed later than usual, thinking maybe the later bedtime could result in sleeping later. That was not the case last night. I woke up a few times overnight.

We spent all day playing Breath of The Wild again.

I helped Shawshank reach an area where I had a lot of trouble, and of course he managed to get there in about a third of the time it took me. He returned the favor, and helped give me pointers on a spot he had already reached.

For someone who angrily traded in the game after 10 hours, I certainly play it a lot.

Today, Shawshank has a half day at work this morning. He suggested I assume my human shape early and ✨create content✨ while he’s out. I’ve been promised a trip to the secondhand store this afternoon. I really do want to be human today, at least to some extent.


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