Hello, world. It’s Hump Day. We’re up, the cats are doing their things, and the coffee is hot. This morning is already the opposite of yesterday, in terms of weather. It’s sunny outside, and absolutely clear. Yesterday morning’s wild weather actually got worse. The wind picked up a lot, bringing a little bit of rain and blowing my backdrop and pants pattern around the living room, knocking over a fan. It tore a plank out of our patio fence and broke a branch off a pine in front of The Flat. However, the burst didn’t last much longer than a couple of minutes. The streets didn’t even get wet.
I was doing my makeup when I started noticing people slowing down and stopping in front of our property. At one point, there were three guys in trucks on the road. They were all vaguely familiar people, including one of the old dudes who maintains the property. Because of this, I assumed they might be clearing out the recently-dead neighbor’s apartment. They didn’t stay long, and I thought nothing of it until Shawshank came home and asked if I saw the tree.
The tree?

Oh, that tree.
The Flat sits on a property that’s made up of two small duplexes, for a total of four apartments on the lot. Amazingly, the tree didn’t do much more than skim the gutter and knock over our neighbor’s trash bin. But this is the NEWS OF THE CENTURY to TinyTown. Everyone passing by slows down to look at the tree. About half stop and take pictures.
Aside from the tree, we had a relatively tame day at home. As is tradition, we hit up the secondhand shop in the afternoon. I got a new top and a sheet. Shawshank found a couple of books to put on the bookshelves. I worked on another pair of pants in the afternoon. Right now, I have 3 pairs almost ready for a Friday morning shop drop. Half of the photos are taken, and today’s weather looks like it might offer me some nice light for creating content indoors.
So that’s what I’ll do.