Good morning, world. It’s Boxing Day, or Tuesday, or fuck, let’s go so far as to say it’s Toes-day as well, since that’s also a thing. It’s a balmy -1°🦅 outside right now. Chaucer is giving us the stare: he wants to be on the couch with us, but he hasn’t decided to come up yet. I think he’s torn between coming up for snuggles from the humans, or being a loaf on my sherpa blanket.
We had a nice Christmas. Shawshank bought us a digital copy of “White Christmas“, so we could more easily enjoy the annual viewing instead of pirating it every year. Almost none of what we bought each other has arrived. I gave him some gloves, and bought/downloaded a Switch game I thought he’d expressed interest in. He gave me some perfume and candy. More things might show up this week. Who knows when it comes to Temu.
We did the family stuff, twice. The visits were split up between Grandma’s and Shady Acres, with a break between. Our first stop was to visit Grandma, where her facility was doing a Christmas lunch for the residents and their families. The food was pretty good, and Gran liked her presents. After lunch, we headed back home for a few hours.

Shawshank spent the afternoon playing “Cult of the Lamb” while I played on TikTok and took off my nail polish. By midafternoon I was crashing, but put on boots and went to Shady Acres. Shawshank‘s parents bought half of my Amazon wishlist, and now I’ve got an assortment of makeup and hair stuff. Shawshank‘s mom apologized for the break between family visits, but we thought it split the day up nicely. We both agreed the break between visits was more palatable than spending six hours straight at Shady Acres, playing with our phones.
He’s got another full day today. I’m going to do things.