I want a bouncy castle in MY yard.

Good morning, my friends! We’ve made it for to the weekend, and it’s everything we could have dreamed of. In my case, it’s sunny, there’s pretty much no humidity here, and barely a cloud in the sky. As soon as I put a bra on, I’ll put out the Blind Date with a Book box. However, that won’t happen until I finish my coffee.

Yesterday sucked. It was one of the shifts where StressedRPh lived up to her nickname. She needed to familiarize herself with the reports she has access to as manager, and spent most of the afternoon looking at those. Since she was focused on the reports, I had to handle everything else that we do, like answer phones and take care of both drop-off and pick-up. As usual, this left me to run back and forth across the pharmacy. Fortunately, she’s on vacation next week and I won’t need to deal with her.

Even better, StressedRPh worked out a schedule for when hours change in a couple of weeks. She’s given up on the idea that NewTech will ever work another weeknight, and will only schedule her for Saturdays from now on. I shouldn’t really lose any hours. While I will be closing three nights a week, we close at 7pm, so it’s not very late. Also, those three later shifts will let me bring back morning workouts.

BossRPh invited me and DayTech to her house next Friday for drinks around her firepit. Hell yeah. Shawshank told me I definitely need to go, since I won’t be able to chat with him that night anyway. StressedRPh hasn’t been invited. Cue me being sad about it.

Since we booked Shawshank‘s flight yesterday, there’s another load of stress gone. Unfortunately, he’ll need to spend almost a day wondering around the airport in Montreal. Friday is his last day at Camp Quarantine, and he plans to stay at the hotel for as long as he can before he leaves for the airport. The flight out is around 7am on Saturday, and he’ll wind up in Saskatchewan about 14 hours later. His mother says they’ll find a motel for Saturday night, and hook him up with a cell phone, and return to TinyTown on Sunday morning.

My weekend plans are pretty nonexistant, as usual. I’ll do the dishes and clean up the kitchen a bit. At some point over the weekend, I’ll meet up with the woman who wants to buy the (plural) baking dishes. It’s #selfcaresaturday, but I’m not sure what that will entail tonight. I’d like to do another workout; I pushed through a very, very warm 65 minutes sweat-fest last night and felt better for it.

I guess I should go put proper clothing on in case I need to deal with humanity. The neighbors have a bouncy castle, I’m sure there will be plenty of humanity in the area this weekend.

It might be time to charge up the poi and hit the liquor store.

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