not slothy

Good morning, world. I’ve returned from the day trip to the rodeo. I can happily report I’m far less sunburnt than I can generally expect to be after a day outside.

Sunday was pretty good. We had a good morning, mostly just killing time until Shawshank‘s mom drove over to pick us up. The skies were clear and the drive out was nice. Once we arrived, we all got hit with the SPF. We found some seats on the bleachers, then Shawshank went off to buy us some drinks. His mom and I had a debate over whether two little old ladies were talking about my pants or her hat. One of the ladies said “Don’t mind us staring, we were just talking about how much we love your ______!” Unfortunately, I heard “hat” and his mother heard “pants”, and the two of us will never know who was more the more fashionable one at the rodeo.

I’ve been to plenty of horse shows in my time, but this was the first actual rodeo. Western riding isn’t big in the New England area (obviously), which is a shame because it’s sooooo much more comfortable than English. While I might’ve seen some barrel races at the bigger expos, that was never the focus of things. By late afternoon we were hot and sweaty and our asses were sore, so we skipped the last competition. We headed back to TinyTown before the bull riding started and avoided the rush of traffic leaving at the end of the day.

By the time we got home, it was past dinner time. The cats were starving nearly to death, if their cries were to be believed. Shawshank and I made a feast of popcorn chicken and poutine. I struggled to stay awake for the rest of the night.

Today is brunch and chores and not so slothy. A load of wash is already in the machine. I’m going to assume a human form. I have two pairs of pants finished, waiting for pics so I can add them to my Etsy shop. If I sit down for 15 minutes, I could finish the ones I’ve been working on, and add a third pair to the bunch.


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