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It’s Sunday again.  We’re doing our thing. 

Our Saturday was a mix of doing shit and then doing fuck all.  We headed out to Slightly BiggerTown around our regular time.  In contrast to the absolute shit show the last week has been in terms of snow on the roads, everything was clear.  It was a nice drive

We finished with the biggest part of the shopping pretty quickly.  Shopping trips are much faster when Shawshank can pick up a bunch of it at work on discount.  I headed to the dollar store while he loaded the truck.  I bought a bunch of plastic bags very cheaply.  Unfortunately, none of the shops in town had a USB drive.  As it currently stands, my laptop’s restoration is on hold until the one I ordered comes in the mail. 

We headed from one plaza to the next, where we bought some drugs.  Then we drove across the street, beat the lunch rush, got our food to go, and headed back home.  Shawshank felt drained by that point, and went into the bedroom to nap.  I played some Skyrim until it was time to start cooking dinner.

Today is the day of brunch and puttering.  Come afternoon, we’ll drive over to Shady Acres.

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