no snuggly cats

no snuggly cats

New week, y’all. Things are looking somewhat overcast right now, but I think that’s mostly because the sun isn’t very high in the sky yet. I was up before the sun; surprisingly, I managed to fall asleep again. Neither cat was in bed with us when I got up. In fact, when I crawled back into bed, I heard Pippin running around the kitchen. Shawshank found a fridge magnet on the floor. Shit got wild, I guess.

We took advantage of yesterday’s early sun for the tie dying. I fan-pleated the first of the two tablecloths vertically with a specific design in mind. The second pair will have a spiral design to it, with a similar color scheme. Shawshank donated a pair of socks to the cause. I’ll rinse everything out in the sink this morning, then run them through the wash. Once again, the tablecloth I used wasn’t 100% cotton, but not the same material as the first one I used. It’s still anyone’s guess how vibrant the colors will turn out.

Aside from the dye, we did nothing but game yesterday. Shawshank spent a lot of time riding around on the back of a dragon. I ran around snowy mountaintops and through forests. I did some work on this week’s fleece pants, but not much. Shawshank‘s mom donated some brand new flannel sheets for “winter pants”, and I’m hopeful I can make at least two pairs from each.

Today is brunch day. Since I made an Etsy sale over the weekend, we need to take a walk up the street to the post office. We also need milk, otherwise we’ll be sorely disappointed later tonight when we want a snack before bed. I need to work on some cuffs and waistbands. Most importantly, I’m going to pick up the doom pile. I hate it, it makes me anxious.


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