
Hello, world. I’m awake. Once more, I went to bed around midnight, and fell asleep within the first 16 minutes*. The cats behaved themselves this time. I only vaguely heard the alarm this morning, and never heard Shawshank leave at all. I woke up just before 7am, with Chaucer snuggling against my legs.

Yesterday was another boring one. I randomly remembered a patient we used to deal with back in my pharmacy days. She was fairly whackaddoodle, but in a mostly harmless way. My brain decided to treat me to memories of her and her family: a very dirty 8 year-old daughter and a dispirited boyfriend who looked like he hated every second of his life. I can’t remember any specific details of my interactions with her, but we all dreaded seeing her name on a screen. She was a lot. In one memorable visit, she talked loudly to someone on her phone in our waiting area, at one point exclaiming “I ain’t no cheap hoe, steal-yo-man girl.”

She was stealing no one. If she did, it’s a hostage situation.

The sun is out today. It’s not much – yet – but it’s there right now. I think I might take a bath.

* I know this because my playlist started off with the longest song on it, Hans Zimmer’s A Dark Knight, and I don’t remember finishing it.

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