Mornin’ y’all. Welcome to the end of the week. Happy Friday. I had another typical sleep; I was up a little earlier than I’d like, but my body firmly believes I don’t need more than 6 hours of sleep. Chaucer cuddled with me. We woke up to the sunshine. Today should be nice and warm and sunny and just plain gorgeous.

I spent much of yesterday slutting it up. I took a bubble bath in the morning, snapped a few pics, and shaving my legs since I was there. When I was done, I assumed a human form. After Shawshank returned to work, I took more pics an random video footage. I uploaded some promo stuff to the smut sites. I’m happy to say that after about 3 weeks of (mostly) ignoring my Twitter account, I think its shadowban has been lifted.
I spent the remainder of the day with my balls in my hand – I mean the poi, not smutty-balls. Lately, if I’m willing to compromise on video quality, I’ve started randomly streaming stuff instead of recording it myself. I’ll let TikTok store the full vid, and edit what I want out of it. I went outside for afternoon spin time so I could soak up some sunlight. I didn’t stay outside for long. In order to get all of me and the poi in frame, I need to be so far away I can’t read the text on my phone’s screen. Additionally, I’m cordless out there, and usually don’t have a speaker going. Anyone who stumbles on my stream runs the risk of just seeing a weird, avant garde, mostly-silent film.
I’ll upload more smut while the vacuum does its thing this morning, then do human things for the rest of the day. I might bring the speaker outside and spin, and maybe the laptop if it’s not too bright to see screens. Tonight is date night. There’s a chance I might need to show off the pants “in stock” at the restaurant. The regular waitress/cook talked about maybe buying a pair. I guess I need to archive/hide the camera roll full of porn. There’s no reason that she can’t see things, but she doesn’t need to see everything.