

Good morning, world.  It’s Saturday.  The sun is coming up, the coffee is brewed, we’re expecting nicer weather.  “Nicer” is a broad, generous way of saying “eh, it’s not snowing right now”.  And it’s not.  The skies are clear enough to say it’s sunny at the moment.  It’s not warm.

But it could be worse.  Additionally, it looks like shit might warm up next week.

It’s a start.  Spring is on the calendar. 

I didn’t do a helluva lot yesterday.  I took a bath in the morning.  Pippin wanted my undivided attention.  When I finally ended from my watery nest, I assumed a human form and played Just Dance for an hour or so.  I made myself a bagel for lunch.  Then, in a surprising turn of events, I napped for a couple of hours.  I wasn’t super tired, and it wasn’t the typical late afternoon or evening deal where I can’t keep my eyes open and pass out for an hour.  Instead, I was just… drained.  My personal battery was at 15% with too many tabs open.  I took the hint, set the alarm, and curled up with Chaucer on the couch. 

Shawshank came home to start the weekend.  His employee discount is helpful, and he brought home some of the shopping we need for the next couple of weeks.  Once we put everything away, we kicked it on the couch and watched the news until it was time to go out for dinner. 

Aside from today’s shopping excursion, we’re taking it easy this weekend.  Shopping trip today, and Shady Acres tomorrow.  The brakes on the Hot Mess Express need to be replaced, so we’re not doing any more driving than we need until we fix them.


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