New Week, New Place

New Week, New Place

Morning, my darlings. It’s Monday. I’ve been here since Friday, and it looks like today will be the first rainy day I’ll see. Yay thunderstorms.

The cats are slowly adjusting. Chaucer is totally comfortable walking around the house making noise. I like to think he’s criticizing everything. Mal is a little better ever day. He’s still spending most of his time sleeping under my bed. However, I try to bring him into the common areas to sit with me at least once it twice a day, so he knows it’s a safe place. He let Mom and Brian pet him while I held him yesterday.

I’m not sure what my plans are for today. At some point, I need to go to Walmart and pick up some dark pillowcases. The guest room has a cute, light and airy color scheme. But my between my hair and makeup, I shed a LOT of color. I really don’t want to destroy her bedding. Speaking of bedding… the combination of her memory foam mattress topper and my 20 lb weighted blanket feels like I’ve been shrink-wrapped. It’s awesome.

We went to Brian’s parents’ house for a New England clam boil. It was good, but very heavy and it’s sitting in my stomach like a brick right now.


    • crystal

      I don’t even want to know what it cost for them. They were expensive enough sometimes up north where they’re native, let alone down here.

    • crystal

      It was good! The lobster mac and cheese we made with leftovers was even better!

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