

Got some clouds out there today, the edges of Fred off to the east. They’ve told us to expect a breeze and maybe some thunderstorms.

I met Brian’s drunk uncle yesterday. Drunkle was … Everything you would expect. I’d been warned that if he knew I had weed on me, he’d harass me for it. I pulled out all of my Assassin’s Creed skills, and waited until Drunkle’s lazy laps around the pool had him facing away from me.

Brian’s mom brought Mom into the garage, letting her with the promise of a few miscellaneous pots and pans. She’d taken them from the other uncle’s storage unit up north. In the box, under a stack of mid-grade cookware, were five vintage Pyrex baking dishes. I squealed, Mom squealed, I may or may not have said “I’LL CUT A BITCH FOR THAT”.

Negotiations are ongoing.

I finished the main storyline in Black Flag last night. It’s the first solo game I’ve beaten in probably 30 years. I absolutely loved it, and didn’t go into it expecting to be fighting tears at the end of it. I’ve taken a jump back in the series and started Assassin’s Creed 3 last night. I haven’t progressed much at all. I’m having fun playing stabby parkour while I get a feel for the slightly different controls.

There’s nothing planned for today. I’m not feeling 100%. I plan to bleach my hair and assume human form, but not much else.


    • crystal

      I don’t know, probably pink again. Boring.

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