Looks like we’ve got ourselves another Monday.

There’s a chonky cat in my lap begging for loves, so you’ll have to excuse any mistakes in typing. As long as he doesn’t bump me while drink my coffee, we’ll both be ok.

The snow came on very quickly yesterday morning. I went downstairs at around 10am to switch things from the washer to the dryer. This process requires messing with not one but two basement windows. During the five minutes I was in the basement at both windows, I didn’t see a single snowflake. I went back upstairs and looked out a window and it’s as though someone suddenly flipped a switch. In the 15 seconds it took to walk across the house, there’s nothing outside but big, fluffy snowflakes flying everywhere. The snow continued for the rest of the day.

Around lunchtime, I went outside for a little while. The weather forecast predicted the weather would shift to a bit of a rain/snow mix before freezing overnight. I wanted to somewhat clean off the deck in the middle of things in the hope it wouldn’t be that bad later on. Unfortunately, I think I went outside too early to really help. It looks beautiful outside, but it’s very chilly and I dread the cleaning and shoveling I need to do later today.

Update: chonky boy has been replaced in my lap the old man cat.

Aside from the laundry and the quick and too early trip outside, I didn’t do a lot yesterday. I cleared out a bit more shit from the kitchen. For the most part, I played Albion for the afternoon. I didn’t intend to play at all. However, I had logged into my guild’s Discord server and was eavesdropping in the voice channel, and one thing led to another, and suddenly it’s almost dinner time and my mom’s calling me.

The guild is made up of mostly German guys. I’m only in the guild because my character’s name is German, I have no PVP skills so I’m not a major asset to the guild. However, my nickname on the Discord server is completely different and references my favorite American snack food, and I don’t speak German at all. So I’m listening to these guys babbling in German, presumably some sort of PVP. One of them just yells “PEW PEW PEWPEWPEW PEW!” which I found incredibly hysterical when I have no context for it at all. I logged into the game and told them “I don’t understand a word you guys are saying, but I’m having a blast listening to you”.

Please understand, I’m very much a solo player. I don’t chat with people very often, I don’t PVP. The guild leader had to ask me three times to join the guild before I finally accepted. I run around gathering resources and running in solo dungeons. If I wasn’t on my phone, I might do more with the game. The guild leader asked if I wanted to run some group content, and I declined immediately. “I’m not good, I’m on my phone, not a computer”, I told them in the voice chat.

“That is ok”, the guild leader replied. “We will carry you.”

“I am ze best healer”, said one of the others.

And that’s how I spent my day killing shit and explaining Pop Tarts to a bunch of people on the other side of the world.

I normally would consider this a workout day. Since I have a lot of shoveling to do, I’ll probably skip the indoor workout. Shawshank is going to the TinyTown notary today to have the closing documents handled. Things turned out to be much easier than we anticipated in terms of having things notarized and handled by the embassy. All he’ll need to do is mail stuff instead in driving 10 hours. The only issue is the cost, because everything involving government bullshit has to be written as confusingly as possible.

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