Look at my carrot.

Look at my carrot.

Greetings and salutations, my bitches. Welcome to Tuesday. I crawled out of bed a little while ago and made some coffee, but it’s not kicked in yet.

Today, we’re washing sheets and towels. We’re also supposed to do some yardwork. Mom wants to set up the brick border around a couple of flower beds. I’ll be in charge of hauling the bricks from the shed to the flowers. On a positive note, the weather will be nice for working outside.

I worked out a test pattern for some fabric price poi, and Mom is going to help with the assembly. I’m trying to work out some new moves, and I just can’t deal with my sock poi anymore. I need something softer and slower than my other sets. The current improvised practice poi are some over-the-knee socks with an old set of cheap poi. They work, but they’re stretchy, and that makes their movement inconsistent.

Obviously, that’s not the practice poi, but it’s a good example of why I need practice. I have about three moves in my skillset, maybe four on a good day. I would like to expand that while I have access to sunshine and nice weather.


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