longer than you know

All it takes is one out of place dinner to fuck up an entire mental calendar. I haven’t been confident in which day it is since yesterday evening. Today is Saturday? Then Happy Saturday. The skies are clear and sunny for the time being, and the air is thick with the humidity and hot garbage.

We visited the Compound for a Friday spaghetti dinner. I was expecting more people, but nope. The seven visiting people were enough. I packed the poi, but we said our goodbyes before sundown. While my decision to eat a bowl of meatballs and an uncomfortable amount of garlic bread wasn’t enough to make up for having to visit in the first place, it certainly helped.

I went outside and managed to fit in some spin time later, after we came back to the house. I wasn’t having a good night out there. Last night was pretty humid, and someone was burning trash, and I only stayed out for about 25 minutes. When it’s a good night, it’s almost always a really good night. Unfortunately, even the most “meh” of nights can be hugely disappointing.

We’re expecting some rain today. Our only task is a trip out to Walmart. I don’t need to buy much today, just replace several bits of makeup that all emptied at the same time. One of my tasks this week is to go through my makeup collection. I have a box of makeup that I saved from my “battle station” toolbox of a vanity. However, I haven’t opened it more than a handful of times since my arrival. I need to go through it and toss the stuff that I shouldn’t use at this point.

But first, pants. Even Florida has rules about pants.

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