Good morning, my lovelies. It’s Sunday, and I have a coffee. I’d normally do a workout, but my entire body creaked while I walked downstairs this morning. I figure a rest day is probably for the best. Instead, I put real clothes on and there’s a load of laundry already in the washer.
I did some chores yesterday, as promised. With the stereo blasting, I cleaned out the kitchen a bit, and threw out some extra pans. I vacuumed the living room and then scrubbed out the aftermath of Chaucer‘s “redecorating” a week or so back. I filled a contractor bag, stuffed it with random things from upstairs and the kitchen. When I had emptied out one of the upstairs closets last week, I found a few toys from when I was a baby. I briefly considered sending them to my mother, then decided against it. She doesn’t need the clutter; she’d probably given them to me because she didn’t want to throw them out herself. That’s fine, I guess I’ll be the emotional bad guy and get rid of them. I’ve done a lot of that these past few months. I imagine I’ll do a lot more of it.
Why? Because my family fucking loves photo albums.
One thing I need to go through is the pantry. I noticed few bags of beans in there, as well as some packs of instant curries and dal. I could probably make a huge vat of bean soup if I wanted to. There’s also a lot of canned black beans and ramen on the mini-pantry in The Pink Room. I went out yesterday and bought some food for the next couple of weeks. It was a little more expensive than I’d have liked. However, I also needed to buy some cat litter and chicken breast, which adds an extra $30 right there.
But, can we talk about food for a minute? I need to show off this FUCKING AMAZING dinner I made last night.

Remember the mussels in spicy sauce I wrote about the other day? They were an impulse buy, on sale at two boxes for $7. They came packed frozen with a sauce; however, if there’s anything to be said about any frozen food prepared with a sauce, it that there’s NEVER enough sauce. The rice steamed itself in one pot, and the mussells simmered in their frozen spicy bath. While those cooked, I worked some improvised kitchen magic and made an extra sauce and it turned out
so fucking GOOD.
I’m so glad I bought two boxes of it.
Aside from the laundry, I need to get in touch with someone interested in buying a pirate ship. A few of the current eBay auctions will end towards dinner time, and I’ll probably have things to pack up. Thankfully, I have plenty of smaller boxes kicking around the house, and I can ship things on Tuesday morning. Later, I’ll cook up some chicken for the week. Sometimes this afternoon, I’ll make a cranberry jam. Then, I’ll finish off a great weekend with the melty chicken sandwich I’ve been wanting all week.
Have a good Sunday, people.
Beans are the musical fruit.
The more you eat, the more you toot.
Girls don’t fart. Only skeevy stoners fart.