Pretty Shitty

Yesterday sucked. SUCKED.

Monday’s are always pretty shitty. The pharmacy is closed on Sundays, but people can request refills. There’s always a pile ready to be filled when we open on Monday morning. Yesterday was no different in that regard. Unfortunately, StressedRPh texted me about an hour after we opened. “DayTech is sick, I’m trying to find coverage”. Things were ok for a little while, but went downhill quickly as business picked up. We would have about ten minutes of peace to get things done. The next minute, two of the phones would ring at the same time the register line would fill up.

StressedRPh texted again around lunchtime. “I haven’t been able to find anyone can you stay?” Sadly, while I would have loved the extra two hours in my paycheck, I had shit to do. I planned to meet with someone about the compressor last night. Additionally, I had to disassemble three Lego sets.. We never caught up on the work. By the end of my shift, I didn’t care what was left to do, I simply wanted to leave. I punched out, drove home with the windows open and the music loud, and it was glorious.

I opened my front door to find no less than five piles of cat vomit on the living room floor.

Suffice it to say, it wasn’t a great night.

I cleaned up the puke piles, brought the compressor out of the basement, and waited for the guy to pick up the compressor. Because I know how the universe works, I didn’t start dinner immediately. With my luck, I’d just crack some eggs in the pan when the dude would show up, and I’d ruin my eggs. Eventually, I reheated some chicken for chicken wraps.

Dude never showed up.

I talked with Mom for a little while. With the pandemic in full swing in Florida, she doesn’t want to come up. She would have to quarantine, and has no where to do that. I told her to do it at my house. Her problem is that even after her two weeks are up, she doesn’t think she could visit anyone. She can’t visit her brother or cousin, as both have medical problems. My sister’s about halfway through a risky pregnancy and is competing with me for the title of Hermit Girl. Now, Mom doesn’t think she she’ll come up until January.

I have a late shift with StressedRPh today, and hopefully DayTech will be in. I’ll have time to do a workout, assume human form, and stop at the post office. We’re supposed to deal with the effects of Isaias this afternoon, which means wind and rain. Oh, and a slight risk of a tornado. I’d love to say “oh, the storms will keep people out and we can get work done!” Unfortunately, I’ve worked through enough storms to know that our patients are idiots.

But, it’s time to get sweaty. I raise my coffee up to you. May your Tuesday be better than your Monday. ☕

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