just good dirt

just good dirt

I’m up and awake. There’s a coffee on the table beside me, and a cat in my lap. I don’t think there’s much more I could ask for.

I mean, aside from the obvious, naturally.

Yesterday was another day of terrarium shit. We went to the greenhouse first. They had a lot of nice things that I would have had a blast making myself, like succulent planters and stuff mushroom kits. Mom bought some dirt. She needed something that was just plain soil, no fertilizer, no mossy additions to hold extra water, just good dirt.

We also went to Walmart. I bought another apothecary jar and some glass stones for a drainage layer. Then, I spent some time after lunch building the carnivorous plant terrarium.

Carni Vale?

Overnight, its soil compressed a bit, and I need to fix the way the plants are sitting in it. However, they look good in the jar. I added a silicone seal to the lid and let that cure. It doesn’t need to be super airtight, but the glass lid was very warped and wasn’t even close to closing. The kodama in there was the one that went missing after Vault 5’s accident the other day.

Once Mom’s jar was all made, I wiped down the glass in my collection. It’s far easier for me to wipe the glass down to remove the extra moisture than to leave the jars open. The moisture level in the Apothecarium is damned near perfect right now. Unfortunately, the rest of the jar-den are still sweaty inside. Ten minutes later and they looked great. A couple of hours later and they were somewhat foggy again.

Happy plants.

This morning, and they’re looking great. Only a proper amount of condensation on the walls, at least until the light comes back around to that side of the house.

We don’t have anything planned for today. Mom might go to her friend’s house for her biweekly cleaning job. I haven’t heard anything about it happening today, but it’s early yet.

My only solid plan? I have some painting to do today. I expect there’s a good possibility the smoke shop will have some sort of sale, and I might go out. If that’s the case, I should clean my pipe as well.


  1. They look so good! I think once the snow melts, I’m gonna try and make one. You know me, I’ll need simple step by steps for me to follow, like a checklist.

  2. If your smoke shop doesn’t have a 420 special, they’re doing it wrong. Lol

    • crystal

      EXACTLY. I looked on their Facebook and they have a few things. I’ll be going out to look at it as soon as I’m dressed, and then grabbing lunch while I’m out. It’ll be a whole afternoon stoney baloney thing .

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