just burn it all

just burn it all

I woke up to a heavy rain that stopped before I could finish making my coffee. Now, twenty minutes after I removed myself from the comfort of my bed, it’s absolutely pouring outside. We’re being treated to thunder and everything. I think we could see a lot of this today, and I’m pretty much ok with that.

Yesterday was pretty much the same as everything else. Mom‘s duplicate early appointment worked out so well she made another one for next month. We were in and out in record time, and back at the house well before Brian. It wasn’t a bad afternoon, and I was able to go outside and spin for a little while. By that point, the skies weren’t bad and there was a breeze. The humidity got to me, however; I was back in the house after about 20 minutes. I hadn’t even sat down when the skies opened up and it started pouring. That marked the end of the afternoon funtimes.

Later, Mom called me outside to get rid of a monster bug.

I sprayed it with the wasp spray anyway. Shawshank claims I’ve probably just given it superpowers.

I was able to go outside later, however. Much later, actually. Well after the creature had crawled off into the lawn. I’ve started recording with my old Samsung phone on a small tripod because it leaves my Pixel free to stream and control music. My current tripod sucks, so I’m going to buy something better when we shop tomorrow.

According to the local weather reports, we can expect more rain this afternoon and then later in the afternoon. If it clears up enough, I can go out and record some better stuff with the new poi.


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