Just Another Day

Good morning, y’all. I have a coffee, and I’m in my workout clothes. How’s your Tuesday?

Yesterday was pretty sucky. To begin with, Monday mornings usually suck. It was crazy busy in the beginning, then slowed down a lot at the end of the shift. Unfortunately, the slowness makes it difficult to do the little things. On the surface, all the “busy work” looks like we’re not actually doing anything. The only good thing about yesterday’s shift was the fact that I was inside and not outside, in the ridiculous heat and humidity.

However, working a mostly-busy shift also had the benefit of distraction. I didn’t have time to think about the fact that it was our anniversary and we’re separated by half a continent. There was no time to worry about the distance. Four years ago, when the first cracks in our marriage broke open, I sat on our bed and tearfully asked Shawshank if we had anything worth celebrating anymore. We skipped that year, and had a couple of low key years, but last year was better. By then, we’d committed to fixing things and felt like we were in a better place. We toasted to us, and our progress, while we ate a load of Indian food at our favorite restaurant.

This year, I tried to tell myself it was simply another Monday. I ate leftovers on the couch, and he ate some sort of homemade Hamburger Helper with his family.

Today is simply another Tuesday. It’s a late shift, which allows me to finish this post and go upstairs for a workout. I plan to come home and have some eggs and English muffins for dinner. A pity party isn’t on today’s schedule.

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