Good morning, my lovelies. It’s an overcast Tuesday morning here in Pensacola. I’ve learned to never judge the day by the what I wake up to. Mom is optimistic enough to have a load of sheets and towels in the wash. It’ll suck if we can’t hang them out to dry.
Florida opened up Covid vaccinations to residents 40+ this week. I only need two bits of mail to prove I live here, get a new license, and officially become Florida Woman. Mom has an appointment for her second shot next week. I’ll bring as much stuff to her appointment as I can to prove my own residency and hope I can score a dose of something.
We never went out for Mom’s haircut yesterday. I didn’t push the issue, because it’s not my fucking head. If I was in her shoes, I’d probably feel like people would bitch no matter what hairstyle I walked out with.
I’ve been down the last couple of days. I was alone for over a year. The only people I interacted with were those I was paid to deal with: my patients. It’s been a very difficult transition for me, to have to be social and go to dinners and BBQs. Even more so when I they fall into the same category as my patients: I’m not paid enough to deal with them.
On the other hand, I’m working on being more social with those people I actually like, be it online or off. I’m posting videos to Okuna, Instagram and Tiktok, and occasionally Facebook. They’re (mostly) filled with the type of people I choose to socialize with. I’ve had a couple of people leave comments that make me feel like they’re ready to stage an intervention to keep me in the US. I’m trying not to read into things too much.
In other news…
I started working on another wreath yesterday. It’s made with an absolutely massive 1922 medical textbook. The pages aren’t as fragile as those in my copy of Eugenics, but the not by much. Consequently, it’s difficult to tightly roll into roses. The book is absolutely filled with diagrams, and all the paper roses are mottled with gray and light, creamy caramel color.

I’d love to find an atlas some day, and make something with some color to it. Alternatively, I think a copy of House of Leaves could look amazing. I want to pick up some food coloring the next time we’re out, and experiment using it to stain the paper a bit for the next wreath.
Oh well. The washer is finished and I need to shower. Happy Tuesday 😁