jimmy is pining for the fjords

jimmy is pining for the fjords

Hello, world, happy Hump Day. I have a cat on my feet, the news on TV. Outside, TinyTown is dark and cold, with single digit temps and negative numbers after you figure for the wind. Temperature aside, it’s dark and shit.

I had a boring day. I enjoyed some spin time in the morning, and streamed some poi for a little while. Chat was pretty empty again, but I had a few people stop in during the 20 minutes I was live. It’s a great way to record shit for other videos without taking up storage space on my phone. If I think of it like I’m recording for later, I don’t let it bother me as much in the moment. Shawshank came home from work in the afternoon, wrote up his daily post, and napped for an hour. I was a little sleepy, but I was determined not to sleep until we went to bed.

I’m still working my way through Divinity: Original Sin 2. I spent 15 minutes fighting a bunch of wizards, only to reload my last save after I realized I’d lost a pet. Whoops. That wouldn’t do at all, so I reloaded and battled again. I made sure to keep it alive this time.

Later, I attempted to go back and deal with one of the larger fights that bested me last week. Unfortunately, I approached from the wrong direction and gave up after about 30 minutes. I updated everyone’s skills and things, but I might need to do some more work on the party’s gear. I don’t need to defeat all the enemies, this particular battle is more like “survive the big guy but only take out the henchmen”. While I probably could have finished – I’d taken out maybe 3 henchmen by then – I was frustrated at how badly shit was going. I’ll change my battle tactics and try approaching from a different direction the next time I play.

Shawshank works closing shifts for the next two shifts, so there will be shenanigans. Even better?That means it’s chicken nuggie night.


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