it’s wednesday morning bullshit as usual

it’s wednesday morning bullshit as usual

Hello, world. Welcome to the hump. The skies are dark and have that cold look about them. I’m awake, as usual. I have vague flashes of memories of last night: waking up at 3ish, and at least two more times checking the clock. Both cats slept on the bed for part, except for a period of time when Pippin caught a case of the greebles and ran around the house. It was during this period that she knocked some pill bottles crashing to the bathroom floor. Shawshank jumped out of bed to investigate. At this point, I had already woken up once, so I jammed my earbuds in. I loaded up something that was supposed to put me to sleep.

I did yoga yesterday. That’s about the extent of my day. In the morning, the robot vacuum came out and cleaned the floor while I put on makeup. Shawshank texts me and tells me when he’s on his way home from work, so I had his lunch ready when he came home. The yoga came after lunch, when the floors were clean. It felt good. For the most part, I just chatted with friends or played Subnautica.

However, some chickymail arrived yesterday: a new pad of watercolor paper. I had spent some of yesterday sorting through photos, and I have several things I could work on. One of the drawbacks of apartment living is usually a lack of windows. However, in my case, this works in my favor. As long as I do it early enough, I can probably trace guidelines in the living room. If not, I can do it in the bedroom.

But yay, shit to do.


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