it’s not summer yet

Morning y’all. It’s another morning. We’ve got the news on, and the cats are in our laps. I managed to sleep for an extra hour, which sounds great, right? Unless, of course, you already know that I never sleep in the mornings. In which case you understand I still woke up before the alarm went off.

We stayed at home yesterday and made a sloth day of it. Shawshank made us our weekly brunch. This week I was blessed with my favorite sandwich: peanut butter and bacon on toast. We don’t normally have sliced bread in the house, so this was a treat. Home fries, hot bacon, and oozy peanut butter? On toast? FUCK YES. Sign me the hell up. It was delicious.

After brunch, we split off to do our separate things. He cleaned off the kitchen table so I could paint, and I took the hint and moved into the other room to do my thing. I even had an assistant for a little while. Aside from the fiddly bits and their bases, Morrigan and the skellies are finished. I wanted to try my hand at non-metallic metals. In the end, while I could be more consistent with my paint strokes, I think I did ok with them.

Shawshank has today off. He’s on call in case any deliveries come into the shop, and might go out and find a battery for my camera remote. Aside from brunch, today will probably be much like yesterday. I’ll probably change my clothes, otherwise this will be Day 3 of wearing this hoodie.

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