It’s caused by tropical stuff in the ocean

It’s caused by tropical stuff in the ocean

Good morning, friends. Happy Thursday. There was a very brief peek of sunshine about 10 minutes ago. It’s gone. Mom just came back inside and said the sky is absolutely black to the southwest. I just heard a rumble of thunder, which means I probably won’t see Mal all day, as hell have settled into his safe place under the bed.

I swear to fucking God, it needs to stop raining. Yesterday was nonstop rain as well. The septic tank filled up again. Mom is worried they’ll need to replace it. Personally, I think it’ll be fine, if it ever stops raining for a day or so to dry everything out. We got about 5-6″ over yesterday. I’m not how much we can expect today; is going to rain, and then it’ll rain some more.

Mom is supposed to have a doctor’s appointment today. The office called yesterday to let her know her insurance is kicking up a fuss again and doesn’t want to pay for the office visit. She’s hoping they get the approval this morning.

And, since it rained all fucking day yesterday, here’s a few paintings.


  1. John H

    Very cool Crystal, thanks for sharing the artwork! 👍👍

    • crystal

      Thanks! I can’t get outside to spin and my only other option is video games, and those don’t make for good posts 🤷

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