Hello, World. It’s another dark, chilly Sunday. Not too chilly, mind, it’s just below freezing, and temps will go up later. We’ve had heavy fog alerts for the last few days. Everything looks creepy.
Shawshank played No Man’s Sky all morning yesterday. I messed around with my phone, switching between editing poi video and scrolling my social media. We had an excellent lunch of liverwurst sandwiches and chips. Eventually, we went over to Shady Acres, where we moved all of the beds around. ALL OF THEM. This included disassembling the second most over-engineered bed frame and wrestling a very unwilling king size mattress out of the basement.
Today, we don’t need to go anywhere. I’ll assume the human form so I feel like a real girl. We’re going to have brunch, and do some laundry, and those are the only guaranteed plans for the day.