it was a good Friday

it was a good Friday

I have sunshine, and coffee, and morning news on TV. I guess that means the universe let me live for yet another day. There’s only one thing left to say.

Yesterday was the first day I felt like I was back in Florida. I spent the day in the sunshine. After lunch, some poi. Any type of flow is always appreciated, but a good flow, soaking up some vitamin D, can’t be beat by much. The wind has finally


died down enough to drag the paints outside. In terms of mental benefits, afternoon paints offers up fierce competition compared to afternoon spin time. I made some progress on the optimal illusion I started a few weeks ago. At the same time, I started painting the ouroboros I inked a few weeks back. I need to add back some highlights to the red snake, but like them so far.

I was fortunate enough to gave a good night to play outside. The toads let me play in peace for a change. I hit a good rhythm. I brought out the big poi for a little while, to try and enjoy them. I wasn’t successful during, but I loved how they turned out on camera.

Today is Saturday, which means I’m going shopping. In addition to the regular shopping, we’re also going to a plant store in Alabama. Shawshank told me to look for terrarium stuff while I’m there.

It’s cute how he thought he needed remind me, as though it wasn’t already the one driving factor for me to enter that state.


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