The temperature’s falling and the snow is coming. In fact, we have a BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY for today. TGIF.
We had a very slothy Thursday. Shawshank played “Persona 5 Royal” all day. I enjoyed some crafting and flipping between apps and pages, regaling him with the latest government bullshit on Reddit and the gossip out of the Discord server(s) I’m in. Roughly 18 months ago, Server A imploded in a big ‘ol fight because someone went off the handle over something I don’t even remember now. If I remember correctly, some folks took offense at something that happened, and no amount of apologizing was enough for certain people for people to be satisfied. In the end, someone made Server B and invited the majority of the core friend group, without the problem people.

And that’s how we’ve coexisted, until this week. Server A‘s top admin has a group of underlings moderating the server, but they (the admin) hang out in Server B more than anything else. The admin tried to put out some fires in Server A this week, and q’elle surprise, the same fucking people are screaming about unequal power dynamics and calling for blood. Additionally, someone on both servers was taking screenshots of what Server A’s admin said in Server B about the Server A’s behavior, which resulted in fallout in Server B.
I pinned the arm openings and shit on Vest 2.0 at some point in the afternoon. Pinning curves sucks, and I feel like I used half my pins on those holes. I didn’t even attempt to machine sew it. I finished the bottom seam opening and one arm hole. Today, I’ll close up the other arm hole, then add a hook closure and some top stitching to everything.
Shawshank has a full day shift today. I’ll finish my vest and do some work on the spicy accounts, maybe play some “Persona“. He’ll come home and make us burgers for dinner.
Great work Crystal! 😎👍👍