It has begun.

It has begun.

Good morning, world. We’ve got a sunny Sunday here in Pensacola, and there was just a bird war in front of the house. Two mockingbirds were fighting in the street, bouncing and jumping and flying at each other. Each side had other birds squawking and flapping in support. A bunch of cardinals flapped and hopped on one side, and then some mourning doves and a big wood thrush supported the other side.

It was Florida’s version of West Side Story.

Additionally, a hawk swooped into the backyard yesterday morning, and snatched one of the squirrel babies. THERE IS UNREST IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM.

We are truly seeing the end times unfold before our eyes.

Brian just turned off the shower. Chaucer immediately jumped up and ran to Mom and Brian’s bedroom door to wait for him to come out. I’m pretty sure Brian won’t close Chaucer in the bedroom out of fear that he’ll puke on the rug in there. On the other hand, I imagine if he did lock Chaucer in the bedroom, Brian would have a snuggle buddy in bed.

I made dinner last night, a variation on the Korean BBQ sloppy joes that Shawshank and I used to make. I say “variation”, since I couldn’t find any plain hoisin sauce at the store. They turned out ok, and everyone liked it. We had a bit left, so Mom wants to bring it to the Compound for Brian’s family. I plan to make shakshuka later this week, and we’ll see how that goes.

Once again, staying away from earbuds for another day helped the sore ear. Since I’ve made a point to avoid sleeping on the swollen piercing, the other ear is bothering me now. Fortunately, while the snug was a fucking bitch to heal, it settles down fairly quickly when it’s irritated.

Today, it’ll be dinner at the Compound with Drunk Uncle. I can hardly wait.


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